Preventative Medical Clinic

2016 is almost here, it’s time for envisioning goals and setting a plan of action to achieve what the heart desires. If your desire is to look and feel healthy by losing weight- PMC has a plan for you.

The PMC Diet weight loss program is a 4 week medically supervised program for women and men divided into 4 phases. By focusing on one phase at a time, the program is simplified and easy to follow. We will meet with you throughout each phase in order to assess your weight loss, overall health and where adjustments can be made in order to ensure your success.

Along with a detailed Information, daily treatments are prescribed. The shots last for 4 weeks and will help suppress the appetite and assist the body in burning stored fat. Stored fat accumulates in hard to lose areas such as the abdomen, hips, upper arms, buttocks and breasts. Without the PMC Diet protocol, lean muscle mass and other fats are burned first such as structural fats needed to protect organs. This is why our patients don’t feel hungry, and lose an average of 1 pound per day!

Why choose The PMC Diet? We have experience supporting patients’ health and mental focus during this dramatic weight transformation. We uses tools like the Inbody Scale to measure body composition. The Inbody scale will help us track your progress by monitoring your BMI, Body fat, lean muscle mass, weight distribution and more.

At PMC we carry the best quality lines of supplements available on the market. We also have the knowledge it takes to combine those supplements with The PMC Diet in order to keep you feeling energized and balanced during all phases of the plan.

The PMC Diet plan is designed for individuals who are ready for a long-term lifestyle change. The plan gives overweight patients an opportunity to jumpstart this process by losing weight fast and learning to be more aware of food choices and portions.

I will be available for nutritional support during this entire process. This is especially important in the last phase of the diet as certain foods are reintroduced into the body. Once you have lost the weight and feel energized, you will be inspired to continue with a new approach to food. Together, we will devise an individual plan for you and remove any obstacles that might stand in the way of your everlasting healthy weight.

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