Preventative Medical Clinic

Introducing MegaSpore Probiotic: The first MEGA-dose, 100% spore formula probiotic sold exclusively to healthcare professionals.

The use of spores as probiotics is highly important as spores are designed to survive through the gastric system and settle in the intestines to produce the needed effects. Most probiotic strands are killed by stomach acid long before delivered to the lower gastro intestinal area where they are beneficial.

A culmination of published research shows that spores, like those found in MegaSporeBiotic, when used as probiotics have the following beneficial effects:

  • Immune variation to reduce allergies and asthma.
  • Immune stimulation of peripheral T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes to fight colds, flus and infections.
  • Decrease in frequency of urinary tract infections.
  • Reduction in side effects related to antibiotic therapy.
  • Effective treatment for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Diminished duration of diarrhea in children 3 to 36 months of age
  • Reduced incidence of irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea.
  • Immune response to adenovirus and influenza-A in-vitro.
  • Improvement in pain scale in Rheumatoid arthritis patients.
  • Reduces the inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis.
  • Improved growth of the natural flora.
  • Improved digestion of food and a thus improved
    nutrient absorption.
  • Production and absorption of critical nutrients –
    i.e. carotenoids, vitamins and enzymes.
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduction of cholesterol.
  • Detoxification of the intestinal tract.

Stop by the Preventative Medical Clinic and get started on the MegaSpore Probiotic for $67.50 for a 60 day supply. Your gut will thank you!

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