Cuple preparing a nutritious meal together at home

Why do we store excess fat in certain areas of the body? The big picture answer is based on evolution. Hunters and gatherers couldn’t be sure about their next meal and stored fat provided nourishment to stave off starvation. Of course, that uncertainty is no longer true for most of us, but the body continues to store fat. That’s why HCG is a key element of our PMC Diet for weight-loss patients at our Omaha, NE, med spa. It prompts the body to burn fat for energy in those areas where it’s difficult to reduce fat, without the loss of lean muscle mass.

Because you’re burning your stored fat for energy, you are not starving your body or lowering your metabolism.

Getting Started

We’ve developed a HCG protocol that we combine with the PMC Diet, our safe, medically supervised weight-loss program.

Day 1

Start giving HCG injections subcutaneously (just below the skin’s surface) in the abdomen. This continues every morning for 6 days. You then skip a day before resuming the injections. (Skipping a day of the injection helps prevent immunity to HCG). This cycle continues for the full 4-to-6 week program (depending on what diet option you choose.)

Days 1 and 2

These are you “loading” days when you should eat a diet high in fats and calories. This helps prepare your body to store fat for when you restrict calories.

Day 3

Start your low-calorie diet while continuing the HCG injections. You should maintain the low-calorie diet even on the day you skip injecting HCG. We recommend taking supplements during this phase, including:

  • Glucose tolerance (glucose stabilization)
  • Green  tea extract  (reduces hunger and is a powerful  antioxidant)
  • L-Carnitine  (an amino acid that burns  fat)
  • 5HTP  (an amino acid that increases satiety)
  • Vitamin D (a  probiotic, multivitamin, that curbs your appetite)

These supplements are optional.

Post-HCG Course

After completing your course of injections (a maximum of 6 weeks), you should continue a low-calorie diet for 72 hours without HCG. It takes HCG 72 hours to be completely flushed from the system. After 72 hours, continue to Phase 3 of the program.

It’s important to remember that patients who do not follow the HCG program as closely as possible will not lose weight. We strongly discourage any variance from the established plan. Eating anything other than the appropriate foods may cause the HCG to burn the calories in those foods rather than your stored fat for energy. Consuming too few calories can cause your body to go into starvation mode, resulting in loss of lean muscle mass rather than fat.

We’ll discuss your medical history and any concerns during the initial weight-loss appointment.

The 500 Calorie Diet Plan

Use the following list for your diet:


Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Use only 1 tablespoon of milk in 24 hours. You may use Stevia.


1. 100 grams or 3.5 oz of lean meat or white fish. Weigh the raw meat and carefully remove all visible fat before cooking (either boil or grill without additional fat.) Avoid salmon, eel, tuna, herring, and dried or pickled fish. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.

2. Choose 1 type of vegetable from the following:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Beet-greens
  • Green salad
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Red radishes
  • Cucumbers
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage

3. An apple or a handful of strawberries or half of a grapefruit.

4. One breadstick (grissino) or 1 Melba toast.


Choose from the same 4 options listed for lunch.

The juice of 1 lemon is allowed daily for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning. However, do not use oil, butter, or dressing. Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may

be taken in any quantity and at all times. In fact, you should drink about 2 liters of these fluids per day. Many patients are afraid to drink so much because they fear that this may make them retain more water. This isn’t true, as the body is more inclined to store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.

The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than 4 items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

HCG Diet Food List

Here is a comprehensive list of food options:


100 grams (raw) of one lean meat or fish. Vary options daily.

  • Beef: Steak 140 calories, extra Lean Ground Beef 215 calories, roast 150 calories, Buffalo 150 calories
  • Veal 110 calories
  • Chicken 110 calories
  • Any Fresh White Fish
  • Lobster 95 calories
  • Crab 55 calories
  • Shrimp 90 calories
  • Canned Tuna in Water 50 calories


One kind per meal, vary selections daily.

  • Lettuce of any kind. 2 cups 16 calories
  • Spinach, 2 cups 13 calories
  • Asparagus, 2 cups 62 calories
  • Cabbage, 2 cups 35 calories
  • Tomatoes, 1 cup 65 calories
  • Cucumbers, 2 cups 29 calories
  • Chard, 2 cups 14 calories
  • White, yellow, or red onions, 1 cup 61 calories
  • Beet Greens, 2 cups 14 calories
  • Red Radishes, 2 cups 46 calories
  • Celery, 2 cups 38 calories
  • Fennel, 1 1/2 cups 40 calories
  • Chicory Greens, 1 cup 41 calories


One per meal, vary selections daily.

  • Apple, 80 calories
  • Orange, 60 calories
  • 1/2 Grapefruit, 40 calories
  • Handful of strawberries, 35 calories


One Grissini Breadstick or Melba Toast 20 calories

The HCG 800 Calorie Food Plan


160 calories or less

Choose one protein serving: 2 egg whites or whole eggs (may add veggies to omelet, no meat

or cheese), low fat cheese wedges or fat free cheese (1 serving), 4 oz non-fat cottage cheese, or

high protein, low sugar bar/shake

Beverages: Free all day (includes diet sodas), coffee, tea (without artificial sweeteners), fat free

half-and-half, unsweetened almond milk, NO sugar drinks


250 calories or less

Choose one of the following:

  • Large salad with 2-3 oz lean protein (i.e., grilled chicken or fish) with unlimited vegetables (some
  • exceptions) **Avoid nuts/seeds on salads; No mayo or olive oil
  • Low carb wrap filled with vegetables and 2-3 oz protein
  • High protein (20g)-Low sugar (1-2g or less) bar or shake as a meal


300-400 Calories or less

Choose from these options:

  • Salads and vegetables are unlimited (except  for beans, carrots, peas, corn)
  • Non-creamy soups (avoid eating rice/noodles)
  • 5 oz Fish, shrimp, lobster, chicken; 4oz beef and pork (all lean cuts, remove visible fat, weigh
  • before cooking); Grilled, sauteed, broiled, baked or steamed
  • Vegetable carbs (ie cauliflower rice)

*Unlimited Vegetables (see above for exceptions)

**Avoid all cooking oils including olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oils, canola oil. Avoid butter and

sauces with sugar. May use low or no calorie spray oils (I Can’t Believe it’s Not butter Spray or

Extra Virgin Olive Oil spray)


Up to 3 per day

Choose from these options:

  • 1 Apple
  • ½ grapefruit
  • ½ cup blueberries, raspberries or blackberries
  • 1 pear
  • 1 orange
  • 1 plum, nectarine or tangerine
  • 6 large strawberries
  • Lemons/limes are free


Up to 2 per day

Halo top ice cream, sugar free pudding, protein chips, fat free string cheese,

low carb crackers such as melba toast, etc…

This diet based on: New 800 Calorie HCG Die by Richard L. Lipman, MD (certified internist & Endocrinologist)

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