Preventative Medical Clinic

Have you noticed your eyelashes have lost length and fullness as you age? If you answered yes to this question, then Latisse® is here for you! Hypotrichosis, or loss of eyelashes, is common in both men and women and part of the aging process. Latisse® was made specifically to combat the depletion of lashes and maximize results!

Latisse® is a prescription treatment that not only lengthens lashes, it also stimulates fullness, while darkening the eyelashes, making them appear more lush and full.

The product is extremely easy and convenient to use. Only one application is needed per day, and takes just a few seconds to apply.

Upon purchasing Latisse®, you will receive the clear liquid in a small squeeze bottle, with several applicator wands. As for most products, a little goes a long way. One drop on an applicator wand is enough to treat both eyelids each day.

We suggest using Latisse® at night after cleansing the face and after the removal of both prescription contact lenses and non-prescription colored lenses. After applying a single drop to the applicator, simply brush against the base on your top eyelid, focusing on covering the root area. It is important to be careful while applying to avoid getting any of the solution into your actual eye. Once this step is completed, use the same saturated wand on the opposite eyelid. There is no need to apply to both top and bottom lashes. A few blinks will naturally transfer the product to the lower lash area.

The results from Latisse® are quite extraordinary! It is important to use this product consistently. Keeping this in your medicine cabinet or even on the side of your sink will help make sure this happens. Results are seen quickly within just a few weeks, but we suggest a full treatment period of 12 weeks to see the full effect of what Latisse® can do for you. You will be blown away by the results!

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