A handsome man relaxing on a patio, running his hand through his hair (model)

PRP hair loss treatments have revolutionized the field of hair restoration in recent years. While transplants and medications were once the only solutions for hair loss, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) has made it possible to stimulate natural hair growth using growth factors found in your own body.

In this blog post, we’re answering all your questions about the approach, from who it’s right for to how long the results last and much more. Read on for all the details.

Who Can Benefit From a PRP Treatment for Hair Loss?

PRP hair restoration has created improvements for people experiencing:

  • Early male- or female-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)
  • Thinning hair on the scalp or along the hairline, especially near the temples
  • Metabolically induced hair thinning or loss
  • Fine or thinning hairs in the eyebrows or beard

PRP treatments can also be used preventatively to maintain your hair’s thickness over time. You can learn more about it in this blog post.

How Long Do PRP Hair Loss Treatment Results Last?

Results often last 6 to 12 months, but this varies from person to person. It takes about 3 months to see optimal results and determine whether you’ll need additional sessions to achieve your ideal outcome. Studies have shown PRP can significantly increase hair count and hair density within these first 3 months. Once you’re happy with your growth, you can maintain it with treatments once or twice a year or more as needed.

What Is the Downtime Like After a PRP Hair Loss Treatment?

There is little to no downtime involved, as the treatment only involves a quick blood draw and a few injections into the scalp. It’s normal to experience some temporary soreness and redness near your injection sites, but this typically resolves in less than a day. You can resume desk work, workouts, washing your hair, and all other daily activities right away.

What Are ECMs & How Do They Make PRP Hair Results Better?

An extracellular matrix (ECM) is a type of bioscaffolding that significantly enhances hair growth. We use ACell and BioD extracellular matrices to strengthen follicles and activate dormant stem cells. This leads to healthier and more robust new growth.

How Should I Prepare for a PRP Hair Treatment?

For at least 48 hours and up to a week before your treatment, avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements (with your doctor’s permission), as well as NSAIDs, alcohol, and anti-inflammatory medications. You do not need to shave your hair before your treatment. On the day of your session, plan to arrive with clean hair free of any gels, sprays, or styling products.

Why Should I Choose PRP Over Other Hair Restoration Treatments?

PRP is an excellent minimally invasive alternative to more involved hair restoration solutions, such as FUT or FUE grafting. It involves little to no downtime compared to other options and stimulates your own natural hair growth rather than patching in areas with grafts from elsewhere on the head. While this treatment isn’t right for everyone, it can provide noticeable results for the right candidates.

Have more questions about PRP for hair loss? We’re here to help! Request a consultation online or call our Omaha med spa at (402) 408-0017 to get started.

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