EMSCULPT NEO®: Before and After Transformations for Thighs, Arms, and More!

woman showing off her EMSCUPLT NEO results on her thighs (MODEL)

You work out regularly and avoid sweets other than the occasional dessert, and yet you aren’t comfortable wearing a swimsuit or tank top because unsightly bulges make you feel self-conscious. Enter EMSCULPT NEO, a revolutionary addition to the field of nonsurgical body contouring that enhances muscle tone and burns fat at the same time. This versatile procedure can be used all over the body: learn what you should know about EMSCULPT NEO before and after thigh, stomach, arm, calves, and buttock treatments below.

5 Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO

EMSCULPT NEO combines the power of radiofrequency heating and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM®) in one session. This means that while one technology works on burning fat, the other focuses on building muscle, providing a comprehensive approach to body sculpting that saves time and amplifies your results.

Best of all, the innovative treatment is approved by the FDA to target 10 areas across 5 parts of the body—the abdomen (including the flanks), thighs (inner, outer, front back), upper arms (biceps and triceps), buttocks, and calves. During a typical 30-minute session, patients can experience the equivalent of thousands of muscle contractions, while enjoying a comfortable and non-invasive procedure.

Discover 5 of the top reasons why our patients love EMSCULPT NEO below!

#1. Burning Belly Fat

We all know the struggle of trying to get those coveted six-pack abs. EMSCULPT NEO addresses this issue by inducing powerful muscle contractions in the abdominal region that surpass what can be achieved through countless crunches. We’re talking about your muscles contracting thousands of times in a single session! At the same time, the radiofrequency (RF) energy heats fat cells, leading to their natural elimination from the body.

The result is a flatter, more toned abdomen with visibly reduced fat. This dual-action approach effectively combines an intense workout with a fat-reduction treatment, making it an appealing option for those seeking to enhance their midsection.

#2. Targeting the Thighs

The thighs can be a tricky area to tone. Whether you’re looking to slim down your inner thighs or add definition to your outer thighs, EMSCULPT NEO can help. For inner thighs, the device targets the adductor muscles, helping to tone and slim the area. This can be especially beneficial if you’re prone to inner thigh chafing or just want to rock those skinny jeans with confidence.

For the outer thighs, EMSCULPT NEO engages the quadriceps and hamstrings, resulting in improved definition and a more athletic look. This comprehensive approach allows individuals to feel confident in their attire, whether it be shorts or skirts.

emsculpt neo inner thighs before and after photos
emsculpt neo outer thigh before and after photos

#3. A Call to Sculpted Arms

There’s something very sexy about seeing someone with toned, well-defined upper arms wearing a tank top. EMSCULPT NEO targets both biceps and triceps, promoting muscle definition that enhances overall arm aesthetics. By combining muscle-building effects with fat-reducing capabilities, the procedure will make you look great in sleeveless clothing.

Remember, though, EMSCULPT NEO isn’t a skin-tightening treatment. If you have sagging skin on your upper arms—sometimes called “bat wings”—this isn’t the treatment for you. In such cases, a combination treatment plan for skin laxity and body contouring may be right for you.

#4. Toning the Derriere

Many individuals seeking body enhancements want sculpted and lifted buttocks. EMSCULPT NEO helps you achieve that perky look without doing endless squats. The HIFEM technology targets your gluteal muscles, making them contract intensely and repeatedly. This not only strengthens and tones your buttocks but also gives them a natural lift.

Emsculpt neo buttocks before and after photos

#5. Calves? Yes, Calves

Let’s not forget about those calves! While they might not be the first area you think of for body sculpting, well-defined calves contribute significantly to your overall leg aesthetics. EMSCULPT NEO can help you achieve those shapely calves you’ve always wanted.

Toned calves can make a big difference if you’re a runner looking to improve your performance or just want to feel confident in a dress or shorts. The treatment targets the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, giving your lower legs a more defined and athletic appearance.

Is EMSCULPT NEO Right for You?

While EMSCULPT NEO offers remarkable benefits, it is essential to understand that it is not a weight-loss solution. This body contouring treatment is perfect for someone looking to tone their body and build stronger muscles without recovery or downtime. To get the best results, you need to be at a stable weight (need some inspiration? Read our related blog post on how to break through a weight loss plateau). Most patients achieve optimal results after undergoing a series of 4 treatments spaced about one week apart.

if you’re looking to take your body sculpting efforts to the next level, EMSCULPT NEO at Preventative Medical Clinic might just be the boost you need to achieve the toned, sculpted body you’ve been working towards. Take the next step by requesting an appointment using the online form or by calling us at (402) 408-0017.

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